

Hi friends!!! This last week like we are about finishing school we have been working on a little project. The project consisted on doing a dictionary for children about any topic we wanted, and the topic that I chose was "Fruit". The dictionary that I have made is below if you want to see it, I think is quite good for kids, and I hope you like it as much as me. Fruit dictionary Publish at Calameo Is our last class of ICT, so I don't going to publish nothing anymore. Have a good summer! Kisses.


Hi friends!! Like you know we have done a very interesting project with different schools around the world and the country with which we have worked the most is with Turkey. We made groups of four and we did a questionaire to compare both countries, the Basque Country and Turkey and see if we have similar or different cultures like most people think. I have to say that in my opinion our questionaire doens't help a lot to know if we have similar or different cultures because is more about our hobbies, but I also think that is an interesting questionaire in which we ask about different topics. Here you have the questionaire: Kargatzen... This is all for today. Kisses.


Hi friends!! T hese last days we have followed working with the app 'Tinkercad', the application is used for doing desings on 3D. After a lot of practicing this are the last designs I've made and if you see the previous ones it is visible that to be better you have to practice.


Hi friends! These last days we have followed working with the app 'Tinkercad', the application that is used for make desings on 3D if you don't remember. To follow practicing I have done a new design.


Hi friends!!! These last days we have been working with the app 'Tinkercad'. This application is used for doing desings on 3D.  For the subject of English we have to do a team project about changing an urban space and to do the new desing that we have on mind we have to use 'Tinkercad', the app that we are learning to use in ICT. To do a little bit of practice we have been copying some models that the teacher have give us. Here you have my work from different perspectives. This is all for today. Kisses.

Educaplay game

Hi friends!!! Some weeks ago I told you that we were doing a very interesting proyect with different schools around the world using Etweening.  We first divided in groups taking into acount our interests about movies, sports, books,... I'm part of the group of 'Movies' and I just made a game with a friend about movies using the app 'Educaplay'. I recommend this app if you want to do a crossword or any type of game. The game is a crossword in which we give you some clues and you have to guess the tittle of the movie. The movies that we have choose are quite easy, but there are some difficult too. In my opinion, the game is very good and very entertaining but I prefer to know your opinion. Here you have the game if you want to play: MOVIES - Films This is all for today. Kisses.


Hi friends!!! Today I'm going to talk about a very interesting proyect that we are doing in ICT. Some weeks ago we started carrying out a proyect with different schools of all the world through eTwinning. Etwinning is a google app with which you can carry out online proyects and chat with different people of all the world. Also you can meet people with the same interests as you. We are doing a magazine that is called 'Teens Time' and there we talk and write about our interests hobbyes, our country, our home, our school system,... After have been reading everything the issue that has caught my attention is the school system in Turkey.  Compared to ours is quite different. Their school starts at 8.30 a.m. They have 8 lessons in a day. Their lunch break starts at 12.30 p.m. It takes 50 minutes. Then they go back to the school at 13.20. They have six Math classes in a week. Three Biology classes, five Literature classes and four English classes. Their break lasts...